Kinds of Japanese Visa


Visa type

Authorized activities


*Engineer / Specialist in Humanities / International Services

Engineer: working in the fields of physical science, engineering or other natural science.
Specialist in humanities: working in legal, economic, social fields or in the human science.
International services: working in translation, interpretation, language instruction, public relations, international trade, fashion design, interior design, product development.

Engineer:university degree in the corresponding field or 10 years professional experience
Specialist in humanities: university degree or 10 years professional experience in the field
International services: 3 years professional experience in the field except for interpretation / translation or language instruction that only require a university degree.

*Intra-company Transferee

Expats of the foreign companies or the subsidiary companies of Japanese firms located in overseas

To have worked more than one year in the said office in overseas

*Skilled Labor

Foreign cooking, architecture or civil engineering characteristic to foreign countries, processing precious stones, metals or fur, training animals, piloting aircrafts, instructing sports,sommeliers...

3-10 years professional experience (number of years depending on the type of work) in the corresponding fields (including the period of training)

*Business Manager

Starting or investing into a business in Japan, or managing business on behalf of foreign investors

Physical office space in Japan and 5 million yen investment into the business

Permanent Visa ,   saying in Japan for over 10 years & included management visa over 5 years required.

*Highly Skilled Professional

Points are given according to the applicant's educational and professional background, income and academic achievement, and if you accumulate 70 points or more in the point evaluation, a special visa status is given which includes the following preferential treatment:

· Possibility of engaging in multiple activities that cover different visa categories

5 year visa granted

permanent resident visa after 5 years residency in Japan

preferential processing of Immigration procedure

your spouse can also work

possibility of bringing your parents to Japan

possibility of hiring a domestic servant

For more detail, please refer to the Immigration's website.

Diplomat / Official

Personnel of the Embassies and consular offices, diplomatic missions, Government personnel and their families. The application goes through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and not the Immigration bureau.


Research and education at University or equivalent educational institutions.


Instruction of foreign languages or other education at elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, etc.

*Instructors in the private language schools have to apply for "Specialist in Humanities / International Services" visa.


Artistic activities that generate sufficient income to support life in Japan (painter, sculptor, photographer, writer, composer, songwriter, etc...)

Religious Activities

Missionnaries sent from foreign religious organizations.


Journalists who signed the contracts with forgeign media organizations, including freelance journalists.

*Legal / Accounting Services

Attorneys, certified public accountants or other specialists with legal qualifications.

*Medical Services

Physicians, dentists or other medical specialists with Japanese qualifications.


Researches conducted under a contract with public or private organizations in Japan


Theatrical performances, musical performances, sports or any other show business.

non-working visa


University student, high school students, students at Japanese language schools and other educational institutions.The visa application is submitted through the school and the time of application is limited.



Training to lean and acquire technology, skills or knowledge at public or private organizations in Japan.
This status is granted only if the candidate is to engage in a job requiring the technology, skills or knowledge obtained in Japan after returning to the home country.


*Technical Internship

Internship after training under trainee visa



Spouses or children of people staying in Japan under the work visa and non-working visa (except for temporary visitors and trainees).


Cultural Activities

Cultural or artistic activities that provide no income.
Studies or researches of Japanese cultural or artistic activities.
University students on internship without remuneration.


Temporary Visitor

Tourism, vacation, sports, family visit, participation to seminars, conferences or reunions. It is possible also to have business meetings, sign the contracts, engage in PR activities and conduct market researches.


Designated Activities

Activities specifically designated for each case.
Hosekeepers for diplomats, students on internship, working holiday

Family related visa

Spouse or Child of Japanese National

Spouses and children of Japanese nationals

Long Term Resident

Refugees, descendants of Japanese nationals, people caring for their children with Japanese nationality, people divorced form Japanese nationals, etc.

Permanent Resident (Indefinite) *Note

Visa granted to those who have stayed sufficiently long time in Japan

Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident